Thursday, September 6, 2012

Yongding Branch of Beijing No. 2 Experimental Primary School

We are mid way through out second full day at the above referenced school.  So far everything has exceeded our expectations.  Our dorm room with shared facilities turned out to be an apartment (living room and bedroom) with a private bath - with a western toilet.  The school was built in 2010 and is in excellent condition.  I haven't gotten an official figure but it appears there are about 600 students that attend from the local neighborhood.  We have 8 co-teachers in the English department.  Julie will be teaching grades 1, 3, & 5.  Can you guess what grades I'll be teaching?  I won't keep you in suspense any long: 2, 4 & 6.  As we don't start teaching until Monday, we haven't been given the curriculum or our class schedule but have been promised it soon. 

The other teachers and administrators have been incredibly nice even though we had to go to the principle's office and the police department with 24 hours of our arrival hear.  Come on, you didn't think we really got into trouble did you?  Everyone is very protective of us and we are most definitely in good hands.  This has been very helpful as it is rare to find some one who speaks English at a high level and our Mandarin has a long ways to come.

I have to get back to work but we'll get some pictures of the school and the area up so you can see our new world.

Have a great day,

1 comment:

  1. enjoying the blog and looking forward to more interesting food choices. As one person said, don't ask what you are eating and cover it with much prayer. :) A great learning and cultural experience! Glad things are exceeding your expectations. That's a good thing.
