Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We have completed 3 days of teaching.  I taught 1st grade for the first time today.  One of the hardest things I have ever done.  Anyone try to deal with 40 six years olds at once. The second  time I taught 1st grade was a delight in comparison.  I also taught 3rd grade today.  At the beginning of that class, the projector would not work for my PowerPoint.  I thought I was going to have do class without it but it finally began working.  

I am teaching at another school tomorrow and found out today that I will be teaching 5 classes.  I don't know how old the kids are or what level they are at.  This should be interesting.  

At dinner tonight, one of the teachers told us that there's FRIENDS bar in Beijing.  I can't wait to go there.  

Ryan's computer has decided to die.  Ryan is performing surgery on it right now trying to revive it.  

So I think we have mentioned the food.  For the most part it is delicious, but sometimes it is interesting.  Nothing is plain.  Even cucumbers are covered in garlic.  I have seen shrimp flavored potato chips.  I have not tried them... Dont know if I will.  There is a lot of vinegar on things.  I don't eat those things.  Things that are delicious: cauliflower casserole thing,  dumplings... All dumplings are delicious,  potato and beef casserole thing, rice krispy like puffed oat things, animal crackers (with bird, fish, and turtle shapes) , and noodles in broth with spices.  Oh and the spinach.   

Over the weekend we downloaded hulu so we can watch American tv.  So far we have watched half of season one of Whitney.  Good show.  Any suggestions of what shows we sure watch??  

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