Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some random pictures from the last few days

As you may know, Julie and I struggle when it comes to using our camera.  Since we actually remembered, here are a few:

We were looking for Central Perk and found Central Park.  We will try again today to find the FRIENDS' cafe.
 We didn't know there were copyrights here...
 Forks.  Guess we looked like we couldn't use chopsticks.  We used the chopsticks though.
When we got home from our Beijing trip, the guard at the school gate gave us this.  Someone had left it for us.  We think it was the principal.  Nice to have a present waiting for us when we got home.
 It's Great Wall of China red wine.  Very good.
 When we couldn't find the FRIENDS' cafe, we went to Holly's cafe.  I make goofy faces.
 Picture of lunch.  Spinach was okay but not as good as our regular place we go to close to home.  The Kung Pao Chicken wasn't that good but Ryan ate it.
 Take out.  Where are the Chinese take out boxes?  Oh well. it was very yummy.
 Look at that building.  Hard to see but it's a very cool design. That is the CCTV building, I'm sure we'll get a better picture before too long.

We learned the Beijing subway system is incredibly easy to use, but if you want to sit down you better move fast.  The doors open and all of the sudden you are surround by the world's fastest speed walkers.   I had walked Julie all over the SOHO district/area and we also found Little Moscow - I don't know if it's called that or not but it sounds good to me. So Julie was pretty tired, we picked one guy sitting and surrounded him and waited for him to get up.  Once he did, she pounced.  Success!

-Ryan & Julie

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