Monday, September 3, 2012

off to the school!

We are off to the school later this morning.  Very excited!

Last night we went to the night market.  Very interesting! we saw lots of food. Snake, critters of all sorts, cat, dog, testicles, and lots more things I was unwilling to try.  Ryan and I ate a pork dumpling of some sort.  Well, I hope it was a pork dumpling.  haha. I'm pretty sure it was, pork dumplings seem to be popular for breakfast and have had several of them.  I wish we would have remembered the camera.  

Yesterday we learned lots of Mandarin.  Most importantly, I learned how to say water in Mandarin.  The other night we couldn't figure out how to order water so I had no choice be to drink beer.  Beer seems pretty easy to order. 
The food here for the most part is amazing.  It's either incredibly delicious or completely inedible. Often times things come to the table and look kinda weird but taste delicious- like this pork dish and an egg and shrimp dish.  Again need to remember the camera to share this.

Here are a few pictures from our first Chinese home (the hotel):

Yeah you can see into the shower from the bedroom ...

and you thought you'd seen travel size toothpaste.

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