Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something we all think we know how to do

This weekend I learned that I tied my shoe laces wrong.  Turns out if you are right-handed you probably do to.  At least I found out before I was thirty as opposed to this guy who didn't find out until he was fifty:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFcV7zuUDA

Just thought that was some good information for you all have.  This week we broke out the badminton rackets and of course the shuttlecock, because it would just be pointless without the shuttlecock.  Turns out Julie and I are about on the same level when it comes to badminton, except that I am willing to dive all over the court and Julie not so much.  On Monday our game ended when the shuttlecock somehow made it through Julie's racket and hit her in the forehead (that happened two more times today but she decided that our game couldn't end that way today)!  It's still not clear who won, but my guess is it was the people who were watching us.

We are two days into our teaching experience and it turns out getting kids to behave when you don't know the same language can be a bit tricky.  Are the kids just taking advantage of language barrier or do we need to come up with better lesson plans?  We'll keep trying new things and let you know.

Hope everyone is having a good week,

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