Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Moon Cakes

Today all the teachers received Moon Cakes in preparation for the Mid-Autumn Festival.  Next week is a national holiday as the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day fall on consecutive days and Julie and I are headed to Shanghai with a couple of our fellow teachers.  As we will be getting the week off and we were given Moon Cakes to celebrate I thought I would check out what this Mid-Autumn thing was all about.  I won't ruin the fun for you: Mid-Autumn Festival

Now to the important stuff, Moon Cakes.  Here are some pictures of what we received:
Count 'em! That's ten Moon Cakes.  So much for losing weight on this trip.
There are Chinese characters on the cakes but  I do not know what they say, as I didn't do that much research.  
The packaging is very beautiful and the cakes are individually wrapped and sealed for maximum freshness, I guess.  The breading is sweet but pretty firm as it holds what I would most closely describe to a fruit cake inside.  Except it is better because it seems to have peanut butter as a binding agent.  Also, there inner cake has dried fruits (not sure what kinds) and some small flat nuts that I cannot identify and it topped off with a vanilla flavor.  So for those of you who are more culinarily (probably not a word but I like it) inclined or want to do some research for fictional extra credit you can let me know what I ate!

Have a great day and we'll talk to you soon,

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