Friday, September 28, 2012

Bringing back the pop-top

Last night me made a special trip to the Wu-Mart to pick up some Harbin:

 I'm guessing this is the official Chinese beer of the NBA.  Harbin is in the northeast portion of China and is home to amazing ice carvings come winter time, so we have been told.  Apparently they carve a small town out of ice.  A place with this much ice must make good beer and it turns out they do.  They also still use the pop-top.

Not sure if I care for the pop-top.  It starts of all well and good but too often the last pull to remove the top comes with some beer.  There is just no need for that kind of waste.

Today was payday and our boss brought our salary into the office while I was teaching class. She brought it (the cash that is) over to Julie in the middle of the office with all the other teachers sitting around and asked her if the amount was correct.  Julie let her know it was and then our boss asked her to count it to make sure it was right and then sign the receipt, assuming it was right.  This would have been fun to watch.

It's nice to get paid again, although my salary was given to Julie so let's hope she'll cover me for the next month.

Have a great day,


  1. That is our new coffee table in that pic. Ryan broke the first one.

  2. ... and then they got us another one made out of glass.
