Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day One

Good morning to those just waking up in the USA.  We have almost made it through our first full day.  We hope we can stay awake through dinner.  I am so tired.  Ryan and I woke up pretty early this morning.  Ryan was a little more adventurous than me and went on a walk in the rain.  He bought his first breakfast- a McDonald's egg mcmuffin sandwich. I am so glad he is willing to try new things.  (well maybe after trying kidney kabob's last night for dinner, he had enough.)  Later we had a more traditional breakfast.  We both enjoyed the pork dumplings and rice.  Some of the other options including warm milk, we left on the table.

After breakfast, we got to check out the local store before class.  It's fun shopping for feminine products when you can't read the labels.  On the way back we saw my dream car.  It was pink! I also got to try out the squat toilets.  I won't go into details, but I haven't figured those things out yet.  Second time was much easier.

After class we went to the forbidden city.  Lots to see and hopefully we will get the pictures attached.  Pictures will tell the story of that a lot better than me.  Lots of interesting things to see.  Ryan and I split a spicy chicken dish with rice and vegetables for lunch.   

1 comment:

  1. Those toilets are tricky. Took me a couple times to figure it out. I try to find "normal" toilets if I can but are hard to come by. Don't forget the toilet paper!! :)
