Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday night

We just got home form dinner and I'm pretty sure we're a great source of entertainment for the staff.  This was our second meal of the day with no translator.  The first, since there were no pictures on the menu, I pointed to the food at the table next to us and got them to bring us the same thing.  It took a bit longer than it sounds.  Before too long awkward pause will not be a big deal for Julie or I anymore.

Back to this evening, where we ordered a chicken dish.  While I have only been in China a short time it is my advice to be careful with chicken dish as the Chinese don't seem to mind bones and don't even try to remove them.  This led to Julie and I thoroughly entertaining the staff as we tried to eat around the bones with varying degrees of success.  Here we are before dinner:

Sorry no entertaining after shot for you.  One interesting discovery we have made in many restaurants is that they out source there dish washing, which is probably a good thing:

One major development this morning was that I found out how to watch football online and got to see a b it of FSU's 'game' this morning.  Next week Wake Forest at midnight Beijing time!

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one posting on your site? I know folks are looking at it. I really enjoy seeing and hearing about your adventures. I guess you are done with your Monday. How did classes go? dad
