Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ryan's birthday and halloween eve

Hello all,

Hope everyone has made it through sandy ok. We have been thinking of you.

Ryan's birthday was yesterday.  Happy birthday sweet heart!!  I had been a little worried about making sure Ryan had a good  birthday but the other teachers and administrators helped make it a wonderful day.  Ryan and I don't really exchange presents which is good because I don't like shopping anymore here than I did in the USA. Actually I enjoy it less.  We usually go on trip for birthdays and Ryan said our trip to china and the Great Wall count. If I remember correctly, I usually buy him beer from World Market or trader joes for his birthday but beer is really heavy and I don't have a car and don't want to carry it.  I did make him a card with a list of the top 30 things I like about him.  I am on a bit of a list kick as it's a great way to pass the time on public transportation.  And we didn't a lot of that this weekend. 

During breakfast, we asked the administrators if they would tell the kitchen staff that we would be eating dinner off campus.  They became very worried about us.  They wanted to make sure we knew a safe place to eat.  Not sure where they think we have been eating on the weekends since school started but very nice of them to be concerned.

We tried to share some birthday cake flavored Oreos with the teachers.  I don't think they were as trilled with them as we are.  That's ok, more for us!!  That was Ryan's birthday cake because I have decided not to cook until July 2013.  (This was reinforced later when I tried to roast pumpkin seeds).

Then at lunch, they asked if we wanted to go out with the other English teachers and administrators that night for Ryan's birthday.  Of course we agreed.  Ryan said we wanted hot pot as that's impossible for us to order when we go out by ourselves.  Then a gentleman we met only once weeks ago stopped by the school to give Ryan a tea set and pumpkin.  We had mentioned that we wanted a pumpkin for Halloween and I guess he found out.  The tea set was for his birthday, we think.  The fellow doesn't speak much English so we just have to assume.

So off to dinner.  You eat the cake first.  This is a tradition I want to continue back in the USA.  Ryan had to cut and serve the cake.  First he tried with a teeny tiny plastic knife.  When that didn't work, he was given the biggest knife I have ever seen.  Then he served everyone.  Then got to eat it with chopsticks.  Ryan was also given a very nice tea thermos with the school symbol engraved in it.  Nicest thermos I have ever seen.  I might steal it.  Then time to eat.  As always there was plenty of food.  At this resturant, for a hot pot meal, each person is given a individual hot pot.  A boiling pot a broth, that you cook your meat and vegetables in.  There was lots of food including, lamb, pork, beef, lettuce, dark green leafy vegetables, been sprouts, mushrooms, white carrot like thing, sweet potato, and more things I can't remember or there is no English word for.

I think ryan had a good birthday, no need for me to worry.

Then halloween eve.  We have continued teaching halloween this week.  The kids seem to like us very much right before class starts and right after it ends.  There is lots of hellos and waves and smiles.  The little ones even hug me.  During class, it's lots of talking ans misbehaving.  I guess I'm doing ok if they still like me after class.   Ryan says its because I don't yell at them like the other teachers.

Today I have also decided I hate online shopping as much as shopping at the Chinese markets, and USA malls.  One of the teachers tried to help me but its just not easy.  Trying to navigate a Chinese website is difficult.  I'm just not a shopping person anyway.  I can't believe that given the fact that I'm a schwarzmann. My dad sure would enjoy bargaining at the markets.  Now that I have a scarf, I think I am set.  I will just wear what I brought since it's completely acceptable to wear the same things every week or for that matter the same thing everyday. If I can't get it at the local Wu Mart, I don't think I need it.  Other than make up.  I will somehow need to find that.

Time to carve the pumpkin.  Ryan carved the pumpkin.  He did a great job.  Hopefully we will get a picture tomorrow.  I tried to roast the pumpkin seeds.  It was unsuccessful.  Ryan said they smelled good but I could not get the hot plate to work and the microwave is just not the place for this. 

We bought Snickers today to give our friends and teachers tomorrow.  Other than dove chocolate, it's the most American candy we have seen.  Both Ryan and I have had to restrain ourselves from eating it tonight.  Self control is pretty difficult for the both of us.

Almost time for bed, goodnight all,


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