Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday ... time to get back to work

As we were able to skip out of work early on Friday to head over to the BBQ, we both had some work to do to prepare for the coming week.  Ok, so I always have some work to do to prepare for the coming week but Julie is normally all ready to go by the end of the day on Friday.  It was nice to have some company in the office.

On Friday morning I realized that my flash drive was missing.  Yes, I know this is a bigger shocker to many of you.  On Thursday I had taught at the branch school and I could have left it there.  On Thursday afternoon I took some clothes to the dry cleaners, so it could be in those.  Back to Friday.  A kind fellow teacher let me borrow a flash drive (it is very important as I need to save  my lesson on there and then pull it up in the classroom) so I got through all my Friday classes as my lessons had been saved on Julie's flash drive as well.  Today I picked up my clothes. To add the proper context, I'm not sure if dry cleaner is the proper word.  I have no idea how they get my clothes clean.  They could throw them in the washing machine.  There is one visible from the counter.  All that said, I was not expecting the drive to work, but I plugged it in and everything was there.  Now I have to decide if I want to return the one I bought this morning to replace it.  We have yet to return anything and it could be quite an interesting conversation or lack of a conversation.  I'll keep you posted.

Well I had to drag her half-way around the world but Julie finally has eaten a Big Mac.

The cheese was a little off but considering how few dairy products are available and the quality of those is suspect we'll give them a pass.

After lunch we went to a park that we had neglected to explore.  It took about an hour to walk around  it.  Parks in China have all sorts of exercise equipment to encourage the citizens to stay healthy and we had to try out a few of the machines, but unfortunately we'll have to get  pictures another time.  We did find a sign I wanted to share:

Yes, the pond is as small as it looks.  Perhaps that squirrel who can water ski lives near by?

Okay, so I didn't finish my work this morning so it is time for me to quite procrastinating and head back to the office.  Have a wonderful Sunday. Go Cards!!!


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