Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pictures from Saturday in Beijing

 Ryan in front of our lunch spot.  Ryan asked me this morning, "What would you like to do today?" I answered, "I want Mexican." Ryan found nice spot in Beijing.  The place was a very short distance from the subway but we took a very long walk in order to find it.  Worked out ok though.  We arrived around 11:30 and they didn't open until 12:30 so they opened shortly after we found the place.  Well worth the wait. 
 Look what we found on the menu. 
 Beef nachos and the best non-alcoholic drink ever.  It was sparkling water, oranges, limes, mint and maybe something else that I can't remember.  I'm glad it was good.  It cost more than the nachos. 
 The main course.  Ryan read on the review of the restaurant that the burritos were good and very big.  The pictures doesn't do it justice.  It was delicious. We got the chicken burrito over the burrito supreme because the supreme had something called a cheese sauce on it.  I didn't want to find out what a cheese sauce is.  Most dairy products here are a little questionable so I didn't want to take any chances.
 Picture of one of the oranges from my drink next to a mao (about the size of a penny).  Smallest little orange that I have ever seen.
 The cutest couple ever.  Ryan and I were sitting in the sunken seats of the lunch place.
 Next, we were off to the spa.  I got a pedicure.  My toes, have never received so much attention.  The whole time was spend on my toes, just a quick scrub of the feet and lotion on my legs.  The best my toe nails have ever looked.  They also brought me honey water and a plate of fresh fruit.  I could get used to this.  The chair was super comfortable.  Ryan got a message.  I thought Ryan was being beaten in the little room, they were really pounding on him.  He said it felt good so that's all the matters. 
 Then we were off to the Lamasery. It was my favorite of all the tourist spots that we have been to.  Ryan thinks I say that because it wasn't nearly as crowded as the other places we have been to.  It was a really neat place.  People were burning incense to honor Buddha.  It smelt pretty good but don't know how to describe it.  It was different from American incense, it was a bit more smoky. 
 Ryan and a lion statue.  I thought it was a dog.
Weituo statue.
 This is a coin tossing area.  We're not sure where people were trying to get the coins to land but many people were tossing them. 
 Ryan took a picture of something...
Master Tsongkhapa. The founder of the yellow sect of Lamaism.
 Ryan took a picture of a tree.  He likes funny looking trees. He likes how this one is twisted.
These are tortoises with dragon heads.  They like to carry heavy things.  Ryan wants to know if they carry things slowly.  

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