Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Teaching Halloween

Happy Wednesday.  Hope everyone is doing well.

This week Ryan and I have been teaching about Halloween.  Easy right?  Nope. Very wrong.  Hardest week of teaching except for maybe the first week.  I have learned several things.  I shouldn't try to teach songs. I am not a good singer, I have no rhythm. It is impossible to get a crying third grader to speak English.  Third graders are very helpful when one of their fellow classmates has a bloody nose.

Other than the few things mentioned above, things are going great.  I love going to 1st grade.  Before I even get to class, the students are hugging me and pulling me into their class.  I guess I'm doing something right.  Thank you Charlie Brown. Even if class isn't going well, all the students like your Halloween videos.

I have been working on all new lessons for the rest of the week and week 2 of teaching halloween so things should get much better.

I'm currently sitting in my office.  I am wearing a long sleeved shirt, dress shirt, sweater, suit jacket, and fleece jacket.  I'm interested to find out when they turn the heat on.  Well everyone else is only wearing one layer so I think it's just me.  Many of the fellow teachers are worried about me as they see me in many layers and it's only October.  One of them in taking us shopping this weekend.  She is from Harbin (much further north) so I think she'll be a big help.  I'm thinking wool socks, scarves, fleece lined pants.

Ryan and I are starting to figure out the lunch schedule.  We have found out some of the foods we have on the same day every week.  Yeah it's been 2 months and we are just now figuring this out.  Mondays we always have dumplings.  Tuesday nights we have noodles, which is a preview for lunch on Wednesday.  We often have same thing for dinner as we have for lunch the following day.  Which is ok with me especially when we have noodles.  They are delicious. Did I mention that I love them??  They are noodles with a tomato and egg sauce, a meat sauce of some sort, cucumbers and what we call red carrot.  That might not sound that good but it is awesome! So awesome! I wish I was eating some right now! I want to try to get the recipe so everyone can make it back at home.  I think that will be a pretty difficult task but I'll try.  Well we haven't figured out all the days.  Ryan said todays dinner might be wild card Wednesday.

Well enough about the food.  I hope I didn't make you hungry.


  1. Julie and I are hoping to go to Harbin for the International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival:

  2. Well at least I am hoping to go.
