Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday in Badaling

In honor of our beautiful niece's first birthday (Happy belated Birthday Molly) Julie and I decided to seek out one of the wonders of the world.  Any good trip in China has to start out with some American fast food.

 After a 5 hour trip to get to the Great Wall, Subway was a great site.  Thanks Subway,  you hit the spot!

 It's steep.
 Very steep.

 It's a little windy!
 This picture doesn't do it justice.  Two-thirds the way up these steps you are going straight-up.
 It's so steep, you have to hold on on the way down.

 I need a break, boy, am I tired.

 Guess who was upset at someone for not being safe.

 I made it up. Whhee.
 Oh sorry, there was a shadow in that first picture.  Thanks for retaking it.
 I don't think this picture captures the beauty.  I was also so tired at the time, I don't think I really appreciated it when I was up there.  If you look in the center of the picture near the mountain range in the background you can see a dust storm that has kicked up.
On the way down. 

 The Chinese seem to be fans of taking pictures.  We have never had only picture taken when we ask a stranger to help us out.
 Ryan get down from there! Ok, I'm a little paranoid! Thanks for putting up with me. 

So I don't think you can tell how steep it is.  For those who know where my Grandmother and Granddaddy Pope lived, it's was like hiking up their hill, then finding some very steep uneven stairs, then hiking up their hill again. 

 It was nice to get a drink after our hike!
 Now, we must go up the other side. 
 A view from the wall.  I would say the top but we didn't make it to the top of this side as we were worried we would miss our train.
 That is near the top.  I think.
 If that's not the top it's got to be close.
 King of the World
 Take two.
 Watch tower.  You can see some of the leaves that have changed, mainly evergreens on these hills.  Also, the landscape is worth the trip itself.  This section of the Great Wall (like many) was built to fortify the pass of a valley as it narrowed into the mountains. 
 I just need one more shot of the watch tower.
 Julie's ready to go.  If only she knew a three hour (plus) pleasure cruise courtesy of the Beijing Metro Transportation system awaited her.  I have begun to believe the Chinese have been seeking inner peace for thousands of years in preparation to deal with frequent use of the public transportation system.
 I never got close enough to read what this statue was for but it looks like a Mongolian to me.  Full disclosure:  I've been wrong before.
Bye bye Great Wall.  Wonder if Julie will just send me by myself next time!

PS the commentator changed midway through can you guess where?


  1. Cool. This is something most folks will never get to see much less climb and walk on. A great birthday present. :)

    1. I couldn't agree much more. Hopefully, I'll get to go back and make it a little further along.
