Friday, October 12, 2012


Hello all,

It's Friday night.  TGIF.  I think that is universal.

Yesterday Ryan was working at the branch school and they invited us to a BBQ.  At about 4 o'clock one of our colleagues told us our ride would be here in 10 minutes.  So we got to leave work early.  Too bad we aren't ready for Monday and will need to do some lesson plans this weekend.

We arrived and hung out with some English teachers as they prepared the BBQ.  We also took a walk.  Around the school there are chickens, ducks, other birds, and a garden.  I didn't know Ryan worked at a farm.  I was worried they were going to pick up a chicken and make her for dinner.  I told Ryan, I would become a vegetarian if that happened.  Ryan just said it would be pick your own chicken for dinner night.  Nice Ryan...

One of the teacher's there speaks very good English and we enjoyed talking to her.  Once the BBQ was ready we went outside and realized how cold it was as it's was getting dark.  BBBRRRRR!  Glad I took my hat and gloves.  The meat was pretty good.  There was lots of meat. Mutton. Chicken wings. There was also peppers, soy beans, boiled peanuts, tomatoes and some hot buns.   Every time they offer us food we don't like, like boiled peanuts, they always asked us why we don't like it.  We want to say, "when our tongue tastes it, it sends a yucked signal to our brain." Instead we just tell them it's different from home and we aren't used to things this way.  The meat was good (except for the fatty parts).  There was lots of meat and they kept offering me more.  Which is surprising because most of the meals here don't have lots of meat.  (I think Ryan was really enjoying himself).  At one point I think they asked Ryan, do you like Julie skinny or with a little more fat on her.  Something may have been lost in translation but Ryan, a perfect gentleman, said he likes me exactly how I am or want to be. 

While eating we many little conversations with the other teachers, principal, and other people at the party.  Since we don't know much Chinese and they don't know much English, there was lots of gesturing.  Ryan was invited to play basketball at 7 am on Saturday and Sunday.  The principal always tells Ryan he wastes food.  I guess our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.  Now it's become a running joke every time they get together.

Other things from recent days:

Everyone asked Ryan and  I why we drink water with our meals.  Chinese don't drink with their meals because they think it causes upset stomachs.  The food is typically spicy and hot so we just need a drink.  I always have to carry water with me because it's just not common to have cold water.  Hot water is much more common but not at meal time.

Teaching is starting to feel like work.  I don't feel like I'm on vacation anymore.  However, I think I'm getting a little better.  I still need to learn a lot about teaching but do feel more comfortable.

Not sure what we will get into this weekend.  Thought about the zoo but heard it is very crowded.  I think I need to buy warmer clothes.  It's is chilli! 

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