Monday, October 22, 2012

As our Saturday was dominated but the sports meet we decided to head on Saturday and explore another area of Beijing and since FSU wasn't exactly tearing it up I didn't see any reason not to hit the road. As we headed out the door it was overcast, but being the optimistic person that I am, I brought my sunglasses.  Also, we've been feeling the first signs of the coming winter over the last few days.

To get to the bus station from our school we must walk east through the community square and the parking lot until we get to the four lane road which we cross via walking bridge.  The bus stop is just over the road. The bus that takes the quickest route (981) to the the subway doesn't come that often so we hop on a local bus (960) and transfer to another (370) and now we can be at the subway in about a half hour as opposed to the hour it has taken us.  Once we had arrived at Pingguoyuan we jumped on Line 1 and rode that for about 45 minutes until we transferred onto Line 10 at Guomao and went up three stops to Tuanjiehu.  So After about an hour an half we had made it to Sanlitun.

Well by the time we got out of the subway it had not gotten any warmer and I did not need my sunglasses.  We did bring the umbrella thankfully, but unfortunately not our very nice rain jackets.  It was only misting at worst so we followed the well placed sign to the the Sanlitun bar area and Sanlitun Village.  It was a short walk that thankfully took us right by a Papa John's. 

Side note: I have decide that at least one weekend day should be an international food day (non-Chinese food).

After our quick stop for a slice at Papa John's we head on our way another 500 yards or so and found a large shopping area with a three story clothing market.  Julie was in need of some winter mittens and I had been looking for basketball shoes so we decided to check it out.  When you walk in the door it reminds me of an indoor flea market or one of those exhibitions they have civic center.  There are  as many booths as could be possibly  stuffed into the building while still allowing for room that customers could walk between all the stalls.  The floors were roughly organized, but we managed to find on the third floor spas lined the back and one of the side walls.  Half an hour foot massage for 40 yuan that's about $7. 

Our first negotiating experience was very enlightening as Julie walked away and without saying a word the quoted price fell from 170 yuan to 70 in about ten seconds and 15 words.  Julie got her mittens and  I got my first pair of Jordan's, I didn't know he spelled his name with two 'o's!  Only kidding but the logo is pretty funny looking.  Julie thinks I paid too much but 250 yuan from 680 took enough of my time that I'm willing to live with it.  Also, if I ever need a hand made suit I know where to go.  One of the floors had row after row of fabric and I must have been asked 15 times if I wanted a suit.

The weather hadn't gotten any better so we decided too come back another day and explore the rest of the neighborhood.

Hope you all have a great Monday.

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