Sunday, October 28, 2012

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. central perk

Always heard that 3rd times that charm. It's true today.  On our third attempt to find central perk, we got it.  We had some help this time.  It was hidden away on the 6th floor of a building that we walked right under on attempt #2.

Before the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. central perk stop, we had to get lunch.  We stopped for Thai food. I had pad Thai with shrimp. Awesome.  Ryan had beef with noodles. It was so spicy ryan had to stop eating before he had finished but he loved it.  He loved and hated it at the same time. 
Yeah I tried some and it was really good.  I didn't have the broth which was the spicy part. 
On the walk from lunch to Central Perk we saw Saint Julie's Wine Cellar.  Ok, maybe there was no "e" on Juli but I still think I am a Saint.
We made it.  Live from New York... I mean Beijing, Julie is at Central Perk on the set of F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Oh yeah, Ryan came too
Julie and Hugsy.  I hope I don't get in trouble with Joey.
Hello everyone.
My Mint Latte with a Friend's Brownie.  Yes, it did taste better because Friends was written in powder sugar.
I shouldn't try to take our picture. 
Thanks for the help, much better.  We are sitting at the side of the cafe by the window.
The famous orange couch.

Ok Ryan, I will take one picture of just you. 
ok, 2
Joey and Chandler's apartment is next door.  I'm not sure what the writing is on the wall though.  This is our friend that helped us find it.  She is a friend of one of the teacher's at our school. 
Yeah, that's where they make the brownies. 
Bye all.  Best time ever!  Just didn't know I needed to travel to the other side of the world to see the set of my favorite American TV show. 

We had a great weekend.  Can't wait until next weekend.
Hope everyone had a great one too.


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