Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pictures of our trip

 Ryan is eating an Oreo McFlurry from Mickey Dees.  He tried to order a chocolate chip cookie one but something got lost in translation.  It was still good and we tried successfully a couple days later.
Julie is standing in front of a famous statue.  I think...
 Ryan's new friend from our tour.  He spoke no English and just spoke "at" us a lot.  We would just laugh.
 The old leaning tower.

 Julie and Ryan in front of the West Lake.
 Pretty flowers at the park entrance.
 I decided to be a vegetarian for lunch.
 Coffee.  Thank you Nestle!!!!
 Julie is tired. 
 Ryan on the boat tour.
 Ryan bought the big beers.
 Ryan and I are very famous in China.  We stand out.  I seemed to be more popular than Ryan but I think it's because women don't seem to drink much here.  So not only am I a foreigner but a female foreigner holding a very large beer.  Over a dozen people wanted pictures with us. 
 Such a sweet couple.
Julie with the English teachers from our school.  They really helped us out on the trip.
 China pavilion
 Mercedes Benz Arena
 I am tired. "Ryan, please don't take my picture."
 Julie with the bear at the restaurant roof top.  Stuffed bear instead of number cards.  I like it.
 The view
 Julie with her Oreo Mocha slushy. It was ok but it had a mocha flavored Oreo so that made it awesome.
Ryan's "pizza." It has sausage, peas and carrots on it. It tasted pretty good though.


  1. I love all your stories and adventures - pictures too! I know you must really miss American food!, have you thought about visiting some ophinages while there? I know a few families with adopted daughters from China. Love to you both Aunt S.

  2. No I haven't thought about that. It's a good idea but I haven't even heard about orphans or such, although we can't talk that extensively to anyone about any subject. It is very sad how daughters are so much less appreciated than boys. One person told me that some couples get divorced because they disagree about having a boy or a girl versus just having a boy. We are all different and we're trying to understand the intricacies of the logic. Thanks for posting.
