Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back to work

We are heading into Friday (Kindergarten, yay!!).   How did I end up teaching little kids?  Life sure can be weird.  Today I taught preschoolers through fourth grade (or grade four as it's called around here).  Somehow the preschoolers are better behaved than the first graders.  Julie taught second through sixth and sent a fourth grader to the hospital.  Last time they backtalk her.  Only kidding, apparently the poor girl decided to head butt a piano, but given she teaches all her Thursday classes there it was bound to happen.

I feel I'm doing my day a disservice as it went quite well for the most part.  Thursday's we spend at the other branch schools in town and my school has some very nice people who invited Julie and I to a barbeque on Friday night.  Barbeque is amazing so we are very much looking forward to tomorrow night and finding out how a Chinese BBQ compares to one back home.  (Julie bets the meet is very bad.)   We'll let you know.  There is a chance that a Chinese BBQ grill is more like a narrow long box about six inches deep that holds burning charcoal and meet skewers are rested on the top of the box, but like I said we'll let you know.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.  We'll be back soon.


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