Monday, November 5, 2012

Some pictures from the last week

We're back!  Had some computer problems last week so getting on the blog was problematic.  We took a few pictures over the week and wanted to get those up here.  I'll have my lovely bride do a write-up later on.  

Here we go:
Getting the insides of our pumpkin out.  I had an audience as a couple of our dorm neighbors had never seen a jack-o-lantern being made.

Julie had great aspirations of toasting the pumpkin seeds.  We did this last year and it was delicious.  She had great aspirations!

Now enjoy several pictures of my freehand pumpkin carving skills.

This is our version of a fancy breakfast.  Corn meal pancakes we bought at the store the night before with peanut butter and then some apples.  We were given a big box of apples a couple weeks ago and have almost eaten them all.  To drink we had mimosa when we found some champagne the night before.

Champagne!  In the morning!  We don't have very many cups.

For our anniversary we went to the Houhai district of Beijing and enjoyed the rain and the wind!  Houhai is along a series of small lakes and has a famous bar and restaurant street.  We found this bar and were glad to get out of the rain.

Julie got a mocha martini.  She wasn't a big fan of it.  I tried the last sip and thought it was pretty good for a martini.

Our next stop was Buffalo.  It had the best pizza we've had so far because it had the best cheese we have had in China.

Nothing like a Mexican beer on a cold raining Chinese evening.

This is the courtyard at our hotel when we woke up on Sunday morning.

The rain turned to snow and then back to rain.

We made our way to the Charlie Brown Cafe which Julie loved, until she drank too much caffeine and now she has mixed feelings about the Charlie Brown Cafe.

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