Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve

Thanksgiving Eve is here! Happy Thanksgiving.

It's very different awaiting the holidays here.  I haven't seen any Black Friday sale ads.  That's one thing I won't miss: the crowds on Black Friday-- not that I would have gone shopping anyway.  And shopping here seems to be as busy as Black Friday any day so I don't plan on shopping. 

Well, now that I'm finally feeling better, I'm back to work.  We thought we would be teaching a full week with all of our classes but things are always changing around here.  On Monday, Ryan and I went to our afternoon class and there were no students to be found.  I've never heard the halls so quiet.  Apparently, our students went on a field trip and Ryan and I didn't connect the dots.  We saw some buses taking some children and didn't know they were students from our classes.  The students went to see a play.  Good thing though, Ryan and I needed to work on lesson plans. We were told last Friday that we would be teaching an extra class this week and the other teachers would observe and give us feed back.  We were told it would be Tuesday but it ended up being Wednesday. They gave us a lesson plan to use which we have never had before. In the past, they have just told us to teach whatever we would like.  The class went better than normal.  Having 10 or so teachers in the classroom makes a big difference on the student's behavior.  It was nice to see one of Ryan's classes.  I have never seen him teach before.  He did very well and the students think he is funny.  Ryan watched 2 of my classes this week.  In the first class, it was just Ryan watching, not the other 10 teachers, so I pretended Ryan was a student and called on him.  The student's got a big kick out of that.  We've had some other classes moved around to different times and skipped this week.  We just never know.  We always try to have our lessons planned the day before because we never know what activity might come up during our normal planning time.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  I can't allow myself to look at turkey day stuff online because it makes me a little sad.  I'm also a little sad that I will be working on Thanksgiving.  At least I am teaching about Thanksgiving.  Trying to teach the 3rd and 5th grader about being thankful.  Not sure if they understand.  Ryan and I were planning to go out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate.  We were thinking duck.  Turkey is hard to come by in this part of the world.  Ryan asked one of the teacher's today where we should go.  They said they were planning for us to go out to eat.  Not sure what food we will be having. I'm sure it will be a nontraditional Thanksgiving feast.  We will let you know how it goes.  Hopefully we will remember the camera. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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