Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend: Italian pasta, Doritos, New Orleans' po boy, and Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate. I almost thought I was in America.... then I remembered I spent 7-8 hours on public transportation.

Ryan waiting on our meals to come out.  He ate all the bread... j/k. He is a nice fellow and let me have half.  I am more likely to eat more than my share than Ryan anyways. 
Me trying to wait patiently. Olive oil is so yummy.
 My pasta with basil and tomato sauce.  Look how tiny the portion is.  I am used to American portions.  After I saw it, I was thinking I should have ordered the large.  Then I decided that this is how much a person should be eating.  Since we were on a hunt for Doritos that afternoon, I decided not to order seconds. 
 Ryan's spinach ravioli.  It's no Maggiano's but I'll take it. 
 Yeah, that's me stuffing my face with Doritos.  We had to find an international grocery store fulfill my craving.  We saw all kinds of wonderful things in the international grocery store.  Frozen pizza, granola, cereal (but no regular cheerios), and Valentine's Day Butterfingers.  Ryan bought a Valentine's Day Butterfingers.  We we kinda wondering if it was from Valentine's Day 2012 or for 2013.  Ryan said is tasted a little old.  :o( 

 Then we headed over to see the Olympic Park.  Me in front of the bird's nest.  (BTW, if you want to buy a kite, this is the place to be.  There were dozens of people selling them).
Ryan in front of the bird's nest.
 It must of gotten cold.  Me in front of the water cube.  Later we found of it's has been turned into a water park inside.  We might need to go back. 
 Ryan in front of the Water Cube. 

Me at Starbucks drinking a peppermint hot chocolate.  We headed to Beijing on Sunday to meet up with a friend of a friend of a friend.  Super nice family.  They are from Rhode Island and made us feel right at home here on the other side of the world.  Since we made it to Beijing in record time- less than 2 hours we walked around and found the beloved Starbucks before meeting our new friends at a New Orland's restaurant.  The food was good but I wish I had ordered a Cuban like Ryan because his Cuban was much better than my po' boys sandwich.

Hope everyone had a good weekend

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