Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Julie's write-up

Hello All,

So Halloween was pretty fun.  We were able to share our American traditions with the folks here that knew very little about the holiday.  People were very interested in the Jack-O-Lantern that Ryan made.  They asked if Ryan and I were going to take it to class and share it with the children because if we were, they wanted to video tape it.  Neither of us did so there is no tape.  Some of the children picked up on the trick-or-treating concept.  The kids would come to the teachers' office wanting candy.  Luckily one of the other English teachers bought in candy to share.   I ended up being the go to person.  It worked ok for a little while then it ended up being a little chaotic. The other English teachers ended up sending the kids away.  Probably was a good thing.  I don't think I had was enough candy.  

So when I tried to toast the pumpkin seeds, I decided I will not be cooking anymore.  While I don't have a kitchen, I will only assemble food items, not cook.

The Jack-O-Lantern didn't last too long.  The day after Halloween, Ryan tried to put it in the window sill.  Well, the window sill was not big enough.  It fell and broke into 2 pieces. 

On Friday night, we decided to make (assemble) a nice breakfast for the morning. We had toasted corn pancakes with peanut butter.  It tasted better than it sounds. We had them with apples and mimosas.  The mimosas were good.  I think we need to make that a tradition.  The champagne came in the largest bottle ever.  We had trouble picking it out though.   The wine selection is a bit different here. 

After finishing breakfast, we packed for our weekend in Beijing.  After getting our room, we tried to get a cab.  It's a bit difficult to get a cab when you don't speak Chinese.  So we ended up walking in the rain.  After we got our feet wet, we went to the bar, Sex and da City.  After that we went to buffalo.  I told Ryan he needs to pick my drinks out from now on.  His beer was much better than my martini.  The pizza I picked out was awesome though. 

After finishing up dinner, we walked and walked and walked in the rain.  We got a little turned around.  It's pretty hard to ask for directions when you don't speak Chinese.  We were pretty happy to get back to the hotel.  Oh yeah, the hotel was pretty nice however there was no toilet paper.  So we bought some toilet paper at a little convenience store when we asked for directions. 

While we were sleeping it snowed.  Cold.  We needed to plan indoor activities for Sunday morning.  We decided to go to the Charlie Brown cafe that we walked by a couple weeks ago.  The coffee was good except it was strong.  I didn't notice how strong it was until after I had finished 2 cups and I was wired.  After coffee, we did a little shopping.  I found the mall when I was looking for the bathroom.   I bought some make up.  I didn't following the proper procedure though when buying it.  I don't know what I did but I had to wait about 5 minutes at the counter while the staff figured it out. 

This month they are changing over the government officials in China.  The school has asked to stay close by the school and not travel for the next month because they believe there will be increased security everywhere.  We believe it is just a precaution because they always seem to be a little overly protective of us.  Hopefully our blog will continue to be interesting as we stay in Men Tou Gou for the next few weeks.  Ryan and I always seem to find something interesting to do.

Have a great day,

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