Saturday, November 10, 2012

rainy weekend

Last night we went to Ryan's branch school for dinner. Before dinner, they asked us to play a game. The game invovled a rope that was a large circle big enough for 4 or 5 people to stand inside of.  So 5 people stood in a row with the rope under their feet and the rest of the rope in their hands above their hands making a circle.  Then, the group walks sideways in a line moving the rope little by little trying to get the finish line first.  Well, needless to say, our team finished last being our first time playing.

They were having hot pot for dinner.  So now I know what sheep tastes like.  I only had one piece. As with most meat around here, there were lots of bones so I opted to eat mostly bread and vegetables for dinner.  Spanish, lettuce and noodles were very tasty.  If you have never had boiled lettuce with seasoning on it, you really should try it.  It is surprisingly delicious.  I also got to see where Ryan teaches his large classes.  The room is giant with enough room for 60 or 70 desks and chairs.  I teach one class with about 60 students but they are all crammed into a normal size classroom with lots of chairs. 

After dinner, we walked to the bus stop to go to Wu-Mart.  We bought everything on our list: lotion, chapstick, mouthwash, and ziplock bags.  I think that's a first.  There always seems to be something we can't find.  And then we bought things not on the list, peanut butter and German beer.  Well, I think it was German.  It cost about 4 times as much as the Chinese beer but well worth it.  It tastes much better.  I think it was a special so I hope other people liked it so they keep it in stock.

We came home and stayed up late playing monopoly deal, a card game.  Best card game ever.  Stop reading and go to Target and buy the game now. 

This morning, I woke up with a sore throat.  I'm not sure how I am the one getting sick when I'm always telling Ryan to wash his hands and use hand sanitizer.  He says he's just building up his immunity. 

For lunch, we walked to a local restaurant.  We have been there before so we knew they had a picture menu.  Well, today they has a special menu written in Chinese.  I'm sure the food would have been good if we could have ordered it.  We decided to leave and go to our usual place.  Since it was raining we thought about ordering extra food to take our room for dinner but we forgot the translation book.  So that would be a little difficult to explain.

Since need dinner and I'm feeling a little under the weather (and it's raining), Ryan decided to celebrate international food day.  (Which we celebrate just about ever weekend).  He is on his way to McDonald's right now. 

Tonight is going to be movie night.  Since the internet it slow, we started downloading movies this morning.  We think the internet is slow because they are doing more censoring because of the congress change over.  We will be watching Aurthur Christmas and Gone with the Wind. 

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