Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekend, Inside Pants and Face Masks

It's been another great weekend here in China.

On Thursday, I woke up with a minor case of the sniffles.  I was afraid I was getting sick again but it looks like its just little cold. I was feeling better by Friday.  I just asked Ryan what we did on Friday night and we can't seem to remember anything other than we had dumplings for dinner.  I think I watched Desperate Housewives. Not sure how I got Ryan half way interested in the show.  Never had he watched an entire episode back in the USA.  (We finished watching the series on Saturday.  What should we watch now?)

Saturday it was pretty cold.  We decided to stay a little closer to home by going to the outlets at Ping Guo Yuan, which is a shopping center near the subway station.  It's 1 long bus ride away or 2 short bus rides so it was still a bit of a hike.  When we were waiting for the bus to come, we saw bus 980, which we had never seen before.  We were wondering where it went.  Just as it was pulling away, we realized it was bus 960, which was the bus was wanted but it had a broken something that didn't block out the line that made the 6 look like an 8.  Oops.  It was a cold wait for the next bus.  We wanted to purchase some inside pants (see the previous blog for more info on that).  We both found some inside pants.  When we got home, we tried on our new pants.  Ryan's are a perfect fit.  Mine are about 7 sizes too small.  It's a bit difficult to buy pants when there are no sizes and no dressing rooms.  I also wanted to buy a face mask. I'm sure you have noticed from TV that people where face masks here.  Not sure of all the reasons why but one of them is to keep your face warm.  Best 10 yuan I have ever spent.  And it looks like a panda: bonus! :o)  I also bought a pink Christmas sweater. 

After shopping, we head to KFC for some ice-cream and a snack.  Yes, ice-cream in the freezing cold.  It might sound crazy but we see plenty of people eating ice-cream on cold days.  Ryan got a chicken sandwich which had peas and carrots inside.  That counts as eating a vegetable, right? Then we headed back in the cold.  We haven't had to wait out in the cold too long for the buses lately.  Part of it is that we are learning more bus routes and part of it is just plain good luck. 

Sunday, with slightly warmer weather, Ryan's inside pants and my face mask, we headed to the city.   All the clothes, scarves, hats, mittens, etc are needed outside but when you are inside the subway with 1000s of your new closest friends it gets pretty hot.  We call it our "inferno": storing up our heat inside our layers for when we go back outside.  First we headed to a restaurant that we pasted a couple weeks back called Mississippi Steak House.  On the subway ride, Ryan and I have plenty of time to talk.  Part of this trip the topic was food.  I envisioned a Mississippi pizza.  I decided it should be a deep crust pizza with chili and macaroni and cheese on it baked in the oven so the top's crispy.  Please feel free to create this pizza at home and let us know how it turns out.  When we got to restaurant it wasn't opened yet because it was before 11.  A quick trip to Starbucks ate up some time.  We were the first customers to the restaurant.  They did have Mississippi pizza on the menu but nothing like we have envisioned.  From there, I don't think we could have been wowed for lunch.  The was fine but "nothing to write home about." But exciting enough to be included in the blog... We were also the only people in the restaurant when we left.  I guess a steak house isn't super popular on a Sunday morning. 

From there, we headed to Nola, the new Orleans restaurant we went to several weeks ago.  We just hung out and Ryan had a bloody mary and I had lime water.  I have had several great lime waters since being here in China.  This lime water had lime, mint, and a hint of sugar.  Yum!

Then off to the art store.  On the way to lunch, we saw the Art and Craft Mansion.  We thought perfect, we won't need to get back on the subway.  We went in the mansion, which was just a big store and never saw anything that looked like arts or crafts.  We just went back to the art store we went to last weekend.

On the way home, we got seats on the subway pretty early on the trip.  I have gotten a bit more aggressive and we have a whole strategy figured out.  

 My new sweater.
 New sweater and face mask. 
 yeah, you should see me with my hat, ear warmers, scarf, coat, mittens, etc.  When I put on the sunglasses today, Ryan said that it looked like he was walking with a robot. 
 We had pizza...
 Also had chicken and fries.

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