Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday: Back to Work

After checking the weather, we decided Saturday would be a good day to go to the city.  High of 43.  That is the warmest we have seen in a while.

I made a list a while back about 30 before I'm 30.  Time to get some things checked off: plan day in Beijing, get me and Ryan to Beijing, plan something special for Christmas and eat Haajen Dazs. I decided I wanted Koren food for lunch and decorate cookies for Christmas.  I started planning the day while Ryan was playing basketball.  Great I have plenty.  Wrong, he got back and I barely had anything planned.  I decided to take a shower then get back to the plans.  It was weird, when I finished my shower and started planning again, Ryan's computer had directions to a Koren restaurant and an international grocery store (for the Christmas cookies) pulled up.  An angel must have come along to help me out.... ok the angel may be named Ryan.  Thanks for the help, bud! :o)

Off to the city.  We got there no problem.  We are trying to learn a Chinese song.  The long subway ride is the perfect place to practice.  Also, I believe I am very entertaining.  Lots of people look at us and smile.  I'm not sure if they can understand what I am saying or not.  Anyways, I think they get a pretty big kick out of us.

So after getting off the subway, we were off to eat lunch.  Koren restaurant here we come.  Or so we thought.  After much walking around and showing the name of the restaurant to a security guard with no luck, we decided to eat at another place.  As you can see we ate lots of squid.  It was a pretty great meal.  We also got to eat with 20 of our new friends.  well, we ate at a giant table with all the other guests at the restaurant.

Also had to get a pic in front of the pink building.   And this is how I dress on a warm winter day.

Next off to the international grocery store.  Took a little bit of hunting but we finally found it.  We bought coconut and chocolate oatmeal cookies, icing and M&M. not quite like making cookies at home but they WERE delicious. Yeah, they are all gone now.  We put a pretty big dent into them yesterday and took the rest to the teacher's office today.

Next Haagen Dazs.  So we have heard the Haagen Dazs here is quite fancy.  We heard it is pretty expensive and there really isn't a comparison to the USA.  Well, we got there and didn't really know what to do so we ordered at the counter. Then we look our seats.  Well, we skipped some steps.  We had a waiter and missed the fancy menu.  The icecream was oh so yummy.  Might have to go back and try the ice-cream art.

Christmas cookies:

We were very sadden by the tragic events in Connecticut last Friday.  So sad waking up to the news on Saturday morning.  My heart goes out to all the friends and family affected.  May God be with them.

As we deal with this as the Christmas season comes, maybe hug those you love a little tighter this year.  Also, remember there are 12 days of Christmas and keep Christmas in your heart all year long.


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