Thursday, December 6, 2012

Inside pants

This week we have been asked on multiple occasions if we are only wearing one pair of pants.  Actually, someone will point to my pants and ask if that's the only ones I have on.  Then I usually pull up my pant leg to show them that it is.  You all know how reserved I can be. 

At first we blew it off.  Wear two pairs of pants it doesn't really get that cold here.  I don't even have two pairs of pants that I can wear at the same time.  Finally, on Wednesday the teachers had a meeting in the afternoon (Julie and I get excused from all meetings because they are conducted in Chinese.  What's that saying about ignorance being bliss.) and Julie and I were given the afternoon off.  Since we had the afternoon off we decided to head to the Wu Mart for our weekly run, a.k.a I was out of peanut butter. 

The other teachers had told us they buy their 'inside pants' at Wu Mart, so we stopped to check them out.  They reminded me of the Under Armor pants for mountain climbers and Julie said they were thicker, more like a wet suit.  As we've only been in China for three months we are still a bit naive and decided we didn't need any.  Also, I almost ripped a pair in half when I was 'testing the quality' and that sped up our decision making process.

Quick side trip, I initially told the other teachers we should call the now referred to as inside pants as underpants.  Julie didn't think this was nearly as funny as I did.  Quickly I was advised to adopted the term 'inside pants'.

Now it is Friday morning and after spending 7:10 am to 7:30 am at the gate welcoming students it seems like a great idea to go buy some inside pants this weekend.   March is only three short months away.  Come on Spring.

Have a great Friday,


  1. Underpants...what a "revolutionary" thought! :)

    Enjoying your posts. Dad

    1. That Stiens' sense of humor, always keeping it classy.
