Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Snow day

Around breakfast time this morning we started to see white flakes descending from the sky.  The very small specs began to grow through the morning as the temperature crept up towards zero (we use Celsius in these parts).  Before lunchtime there was a nice cover over the ground. Some thought it was about a quarter of an inch and some thought not quite that much.  The students took a better approach and just ran outside to play at every opportunity. 

It's funny how in North Carolina the kids would all be wondering if would snow enough to get school closed for the day and maybe more.  Here, I have a feeling, that is not the case.  We have been told that Beijing get's a lot of snow and we have been told that Beijing doesn't get much snow.  The language barrier can be significant.  It's hard to tell if someone is simply incorrectly using a word or forgotten the meaning of a word, but everyday it's a little easier to empathize with those aspiring to be bi-lingual.  Time will tell just how much snow we get in Beijing this winter, but I know Julie is pulling for a low number. 

The snow stopped around mid-afternoon and it appears that we'll see a warming trend, perhaps out of single digits by the weekend.  Hope all is well with you.


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