Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sitting in Seattle

We are getting close to our departure time for our flight to Atlanta.  So far today has lasted a little over thirty hours.  We went to bed really early on the 21st and got up even earlier on the 22nd, about 1 am to be exact.  My theory was if we get up early enough we'll be more tired for our flight from Beijing to Seattle.  That flight took off at 4:20 PM Beijing time.  By the time our flight took off we'd been up for 15 hours and figured that should help us sleep. Well we both slept some but not as much as we'd been hoping for.  Our review of that plan  is that it just ain't worth it.

We got into Seattle on June 22nd (same day) at 12 PM, which equaled 2 AM on the 23rd Beijing time.  So doing that math our June 22nd had lasted about 25 hours and it was still only noon.  We muddled our way through customs and got our bags switched over from Hainan Airlines to Alaska Airlines then made our way towards the light rail into the city center.  On the way we found a store that had cheerios, cold milk and diet mountain dew.  That necessitated an immediate pit stop.
Julie only let me include her hand in the picture.  Then complained I was taking to long and her Cheerios were getting soggy.

We made it into the city and headed to Pike Place where we had a nice late lunch of salmon and crab cakes.  We strolled through the market and down along the riverfront before the long day started to overcome our adrenaline and my caffeine.  It was about six o'clock by that time so we stopped to get sandwiches - Julie wants you to know hers was awesome and mine was alright - and then headed back to the airport to await our connecting flight to Atlanta and hopefully wind to a successful close what has been, with out a doubt the longest day of the year.

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