Tuesday, June 18, 2013

If it flies, it dies.

As summer is just around the corner Julie's great nemesis in China has  reappeared, the mosquito.  The poor girl has been viciously attacked by the little miscreants for the past week.  This AM she had had enough.

We were starting our Tuesday morning, this is our last Tuesday before we fly back to the USA.  This already was no regular but the powers that be decided to switch things up and send us on a 'field-trip'.  Apparently our school has a sister school that is out in the Beijing countryside.  As we were leaving they decided it'd be nice for the students at this school to experience all that is Julie and Ryan attempting to teach English.  We were told the school has around 100 students and Julie and I would each teach a class simultaneously.  One of us would get 1, 2, and 3 and you guessed it the other would get 4, 5, and 6.  We agreed Julie could have the older students so we were ready.  Additionally, we were told we were going to be shown around the area after our lesson.  As you can see we are sticklers for getting all the details.

Back to this morning.  The mosquito's had crossed that line and Julie had decided it was time to fight back.  What she wasn't aware of was that our mosquito population was quite entrenched.  It turns out they were entrenched in her closet.  Now understand that our closets sit right next to each other and are identical in all aspects expect their contents.  Julie's closet was infested and mine didn't have a single solitary mosquito, I guess we know now why I hadn't gotten any bites so far.  The rampage began shortly after I had exited the shower and Julie was lamenting all her wounds and beginning to formulate our assault.  This corresponded with getting clothes out of her closet and finding a host of the little buggers.  Soon their were mosquito's flying out of her closet and Julie and I were viciously attacking anything with wings.  After about five straight minutes of savagery we took solace that the battle had gone our way.  We cleaned up and headed down to breakfast as if nothing had happened at all.

Upon returning to the room we made plans to do our best attempt at fumigating once we left but before we could get to far into it we noticed a group of the English teachers was congregating near the van in the parking lot.  It turns out we hadn't been told we needed to leave at 7:20.  We rushed through our fumigation and made our way out the door.  Upon returning this evening it appears we still hold the upper hand but thank God we are leaving because the numbers just aren't on our side.   

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