Friday, June 21, 2013

Last few days

It's currently Friday afternoon and if Julie and I hadn't been given today off I would be walking to my last class.  As things stand, we have had a relaxing day to say the least.  We got up early because that is what we do.  We went down to breakfast and then decided since we didn't have anything better to do to go get something better for breakfast aka McDonald's.  That trip included a quick run into the Wu-Mart to stock up on some snacks for our flights tomorrow.  Then we came back and went to the office for a few minutes and then got to watch some of the kindergarten graduation before heading to the room to watch game 7.  After that, it was lunchtime and then we have been oscillating back and forth between packing and 'playing' in the office.

Our last blog we told you that we had gone to the 'country' school on Tuesday and they took us on a field trip to the Double Dragon Gorge.  The gorge has a spectacular waterfall about a kilometer hike from a mini-train that takes you into the gorge.  In addition to hiking to the waterfall we also got to go on paddle boats!  Following our hiking and paddling we were ready for lunch and in China we've never gone hungry for very long.  An administrator from the country school was waiting for us a local restaurant and we feasted, as you've probably heard, on such appetizing courses as donkey and pig intestine.  The donkey was good, but I should have known from the smell that the pig intestine was not.

We had our normal Wednesday schedule which is just a real shame for me as I had a rough day of two whole classes.  When we arrived at dinner on Wednesday we found many more place settings than normal and glasses.  We never have glasses at dinner.  Most people don't drink anything with dinner or if you call it drinking then they drink soup out of a bowl.  We've even heard and occasionally seen that some people will drink beer out of a bowl.  Well it turns out our friend, Mr. Wang, had planned to eat with us and made sure to have some 啤酒 (Píjiǔ / beer) on hand.  Not only that but he had requested the kitchen to make quite a large spread.  Normally we have rice or noodles, a couple vegetable and maybe meat dishes and soup for dinner.  We had well over ten dishes including some 包子 (Bāozi)which are steamed buns filled with pork and are incredible.  We were very full. In Chinese to say you've eaten enough you say 吃饱啦 (Chī bǎo la) which is pronounced: cher bow la.  From what I can tell this translates to "I've eaten" or "I've eaten enough", but it is about the only effective way to get a your host to stop trying to shovel more food into you.

Thursday came and we were off to our branch schools for the last time.  Thursday was hot and the branch schools don't have air conditioning.  It wasn't pretty.  In addition to lacking air conditioning as the water supply isn't drinkable from the tap all water must be boiled.  Furthermore, these large thermos's are very popular for holding the boiled water and keep it very hot for a very long time.  All this adds up to the only drinkable water available at the branch school was even hotter than we already were.  Julie sat down to teach her 4th grade class.  Don't worry we survived.  During my last class of the day (grade 1) all the variables added up to me becoming even more convinced I was not meant to spend this much time with young children, but again don't worry we ALL survived.  

We had to get back to the center school early was there was a farewell party planned for Julie and  I.  Julie got back on time and I came in a little late, but a bunch of the students from all our classes and all the English teachers were there to wish us well.  Each of the teachers said some kind words to us and one (Mina whose wedding we attended) sang us a song during which Julie started crying and that cause Mina to start crying but she did a great job through it all (Mina that is, Julie just had to sit there and listen, but she sat and listened very well). After that all the students had little presents for us.  They had me and Julie stand up front then all the students came by giving us gifts.  Quickly it dawned on the lady running the show that there were too many gifts for us to hold and the line was halted and it was decided the rest of the presents could be given to us after picture time.  It's China, you knew there would be picture time.

After the party, all the English teachers and a couple administrators took us out to dinner.  At Chinese banquet style dinners it customary for people to give toasts throughout the dinner.  Many teachers came up to us and wished us well and that we would have a baby soon.  We know a couple of people back in the US would agree with those sentiments but please don't hold your breath.  Julie wants me to get a v ... I can't write that here.

We have one more night in China and takeoff tomorrow at 4:20 pm and then we land in Seattle at 12:00 pm on the same day!  Is it ironic I am planning to read the Time Machine on the flight?


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