Sunday, January 27, 2013

Temple of Heaven, Korean Food, Seat Skating

 A couple weekends ago we went to the Temple of Heaven. 
 It was a warm day. No face mask.
 Just in case you were wondering how, here is the procedure of Worshiping Heaven.
 For some reason, I decided to run up the stairs.
 We also tried out some Korean food.  I don't think we really knew what we were ordering. 
This was some type of curry meat with rice.

 Cold mashed potatoes.  I actually liked them.  They had carrot and cucumber in them so Ryan didn't enjoy them. Good thing, I wasn't a fan of the other stuff. 
 This was yesterday at our favorite (the only one we have been to) Mexican restaurant in Beijing.  Also had shrimp tacos. 

 So today we went seat skating.  It was so fun.  I felt like it was 10 years old.  Lots of screaming and giggling. 
 This is the restaurant we had lunch at.  They have pizza and beer.  They told us they were only serving Western food today.  No problem! We are big fans of Western food. 

 I thought Mom would like the picture of my pretty napkin from lunch. 
 I can't feel my toes.  Good thing there was a Starbucks near by.  Venti Hot Chocolate for snack.  I met a guy from North Carolina at the Starbucks. 
We are feeling much better.  Just in time for Thailand tomorrow!!!!  Seat Skating one day, 90+ degree weather the next.  I'll take it.  Oh yeah, Ryan's really like standing up behind our seats and pushing me as fast as he could.  :o)

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