Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Back to work (and my first attempt at writing in the 3rd person)

Apparently it was finally realized that Julie and Ryan's (well Julie's at least) immense talent was being wasted over the last couple of weeks of this semester.  The semester officially comes to an end a week from Friday.  Students are finishing their exams today (Thursday) and apparently just watch movies and do fun stuff for the last week, however I was previously under the impression that student's didn't come next week so this may be another incorrect interpretation of what was said.  Back to Julie and Ryan.

On Tuesday the head English teacher (Ann) came and told Ryan that one of the administrators wanted Julie and him to go the kindergarten to teach at the kindergarten for the remainder of  the semester.  As Julie and Ryan have become accustom, this information came with the obligatory "I am not sure on the times but I'll get back to you later."  At four on Tuesday afternoon she did in fact get back to them with their new schedules; two morning classes and one afternoon co-teaching class each day through Thursday the 24th.

Now all semester Julie and Ryan have taught at said kindergarten for two classes once a week.  They would see each class once every three weeks.  Furthermore, the level of English spoken by the teachers appears to be about the same as most of the students but it is hard to tell, so determining if these students get any additional English besides Julie and Ryan's lessons is a bit difficult.  With the new schedule Julie and Ryan will see every student everyday for the next week.  Also, the free time for our main characters is sufficiently diminished as lesson planning for the age level and class time has re-entered the picture.  Poor Ryan will have to cut back on watching Quantum Leap, Oh boy! (Inside joke alert.)

Ryan had developed a nice schedule of catching up on the most important events of the day (if you are similarly deluded to believe the FSU football and basketball news are included in the most important events of the day) and then spending a few hours in the private pilot app learning how to fly.  What will he come up with to do next?  Julie maybe more inclined to get back to work as she had been scouring the internet in search of her next career move, rebuilding a wardrobe, and planning for next semester.  It seems Ryan is a bit more adept at dealing with a lot of free time (shocking!).

Hope this finds you well and let me know how the third person came off (annoying, error prone, etc are acceptable responses, just so long as they're honest)

All the best

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