Friday, January 11, 2013

20 minutes of work this week

This morning Ryan and I finished up our hard week of work.  Since Monday, we each taught for a total of 20 minutes each.  We were told we wouldn't be teaching this week because the students have to get ready for exams.  We teach 2 kindergarten classes on Friday and since they don't have exams, we went to go teach.  The teachers at the kindergarten don't speak English so it's always a little difficult to figure out what is going on. They seemed pretty surprised to see us but I got started teaching.  My class was about half the size it normally is with about 10 students.  Ryan said they had to find a class for him to teach.   After my class was over, they kept trying to tell me I could leave.  When I finally figured this out, I went out to find Ryan and he had also come to the same conclusion. 

Everyone (teachers and students) around us seem to be all stressed out and very busy with exams.  Then there is me and Ryan, we are twiddling our thumbs.  The only thing we have been asked to do is prepare a presentation on the differences between Chinese and American schools.  And we don't really know how that is going to work so we have some ideas together but are kinda waiting at this point to see who our translator will be and if we will have powerpoint access before we can complete the presentation. We also worked on a 20 second video that our placement company requested for recruiting.  That was pretty fun but you can't say much in 20 seconds. 

Even though we only taught on Friday, we got the feeling we are still expected to be here in the office since they are good at telling us when we can leave. 

There has been reading, catching up on TV shows, working out, planning the weekend ahead and our trip to Thailand... and walks to the local store so Ryan can buy a Coke Zero.  That about sums up our week.  We will try to do some exciting things this weekend.  It is pizza month so Ryan and I will be celebrating tomorrow. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend,

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