Sunday, January 27, 2013

Semester is over

(Oops a little late, I forgot to post)

Hello all,

Sorry for the long break but we have been recovering.

Friday marked the official last day of the semester for us.  Now we begin our Spring Festival break which is about a month long break.  We haven't exactly been working for the last 3 weeks.  Review began 3 weeks ago for the students so the only working we have done was teach Kindergarten for 2 days, then I got sick, then Ryan gave a presentation on the difference in Chinese and American education and then Ryan got sick.  And if one of us has been sick they have told the other one of us not to work and take care of the sick one.  After about a week, I think I am finally on the mend from a mild case of bronchitis and Ryan's cold doesn't seem too bad and he is doing better as well.

Good thing we are getting better, we are off to Thailand on Monday.  We are super excited to be in warm weather and be breathing clean air.  The air in Beijing has been slightly better, there have been blue skies the past few days.  Ryan and I have been planning on taking the subway to airport but today one of the teacher's informed us that someone from the school would take us to the airport.  Super nice of them. 

Well, in the next few days we should have more exciting things to report.  Today we are off to the city for Mexican food.

Also, we told you that we learned a Chinese song for the New Years Party.  I don't think we are going to be on Chinese Idol anytime soon but I think it's entertaining.  Enjoy:


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