Friday, March 15, 2013


A student in my class was trying real hard to tell me something.  She stumbled over a few words and then finally got out TV.  Not being sure she meant I repeated the word and asked if that is what she meant and she said yes and then to confirm I tapped the TV and she confirmed.  Then she said I was in the TV.  Now I knew what she meant.  She saw me on TV. 

Last week we mentioned that BTV (Beijing TV) was coming to our school to do a story.  They shot a short segment with me and Julie teaching a few students out in the "English Corner."  Afterwards the reporter asked Julie and me a few questions.  Julie thought my questions were much easier.  Moving back to the segment with the students, it was completely canned.  An administrator had told us that the  report wanted to film some of our classes.  That was the last we heard and I was finishing up my last lesson of the day when the administrator came into the classroom and asked if we could take the class outside to be filmed.  Once we got outside it became clear that having the full class out there would be nothing but chaos, so the numbers were quickly reduced to about eight.  Julie was brought out and we started shooting.  After about two minutes they asked us to hang out for a few minutes so they could move the camera to the third floor and shoot us from above.  Needless to say that is the first time I've ever taught that small of a class and outside.

The segment apparently aired last night and my student was very excited that she had seen.  Upon returning to the office after the class the teachers had pulled the broadcast from yesterday.  So for your viewing enjoyment here is the link: BTV News.

So you don't have to watch all twenty-two minutes, our segment starts about the five minute mark.


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