Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On the road again

Well on the train, but you know what I mean.  Just rolled out of bed and we are scurrying around getting our breakfast and making sure we've packed everything we need for Shanghai.  Lily, the administrator in charge of teacher affairs, is driving us to the bus stop this morning at 7:10.  Thanks to her kind offer we can skip the ten minute walk and first bus ride, so all we have to do is take the express bus to subway line six then ride line six to the transfer with line four and then take line four to the Beijing South Railway Station.  I thought it would be a good idea for our guests to get a guided trip on the subway system before we unleashed them on their own next week.

As you can imagine there is not a whole lot of time to spare this morning, so I'll suffice to say we've had a great few days here in Yongding and unsurprising the school has been extremely kind and generous.  We'll fill you in on more of the details in a few days.

Hope all is well.

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