Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pictures Tianjin

First stop in Tianjin was the Italian Style Town that I kept calling Little Italy.  Of course we both ordered something cheesy.  I was in love with my chicken Alfredo with ham and peas. 

 Me and my new friend Mr. crab.
 View of the river.

 Yes, those are people on the ice: skating, ice hockey, etc.
This is another Mr. Crab, I didn't want him to feel left out so I got another pic with him.
 Views from the tower.

 More ice.

 We're weren't quite sure what this sign meant.  My best guess was, please spit out the window. Then we saw other signs of bad behavior so I think you're not supposed to spit out the window.
 A bunch of red lanterns for Chinese new year.

 I think the beer makes me look small.

 Pictures from the eye.

 The next morning was freezing cold. We did stop for a picture of me in the horse carriage, then we asked a man to take a picture of both Ryan and me.  In Chinese style, he took lots of pictures & made us pose.  I think he did an excellent job.  Then he offered to take us on a tour.  Of course this entire conversion was communicated in body language. We took him up on this offer to see the historic part of the city.

 If you are in an earthquake and all your dishes get broken, I can help you rebuild your entire house using the broken dishes: walls, tables, anything you can think of they had built out of broken dishes.

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