Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Back to work

Today was our second day teaching.  This job has incredible up and downs and often within a matter of minutes and apparently, a month long vacation isn't conducive to getting us motivated to go back to work. That's enough ranting, but don't get to worried all things considered it went pretty well.  Then at dinner the kitchen staff brought out French Fries!  Didn't even know they could make French Fries.

The fries were pretty good.  The ketchup was a little different.  It was a little sweeter and is a brighter color.  Perhaps they use real sugar, but that would account for the initial flavor which tasted a little life strawberry rhubarb pie filling followed by the distinct flavor of tomatoes.

The temperature got all the way up to 61 (F) today.  We went for a walk after our last class and Julie was down at least two coats.  She was even able to wear shoes other than her boots!  Combine that with air that fell from 'hazardous' to 'unhealthy for sensitive people' and it adds up to a really good day.  Just in case you were wondering the scale goes: good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive people, unhealthy, hazardous, beyond index. 

The first two days back teaching has produced one outcome I wasn't expecting.  I have named at least twenty students over the past two days.  Let me add some background.  For English class all the students pick an English name.  Each student is supposed to have a name card on their desk. Well that is how it is supposed to work.  In reality, some classes have English names and some have some English names.  Some classes have name cards and some have some name cards.  I decided to take on these discrepancies from day one.  Since it was my idea, all the students who didn't have names wanted me to give them one and the Chinese English teacher agreed with them.  I have a whole new respect for the parents of large families.'

It's getting late on this side of the globe so I hope everyone is doing well and have a great day.

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