Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The paperwork's in the mail ...

Welcome to our first attempt at a blog.  As you all know we are headed to China for the next year.  There will be many challenges including accessing this blog through the Great Chinese Firewall and apparently the need to carry toilet paper around with us (recent Ryan comment),

 "We’ve heard about the toilets and are prepared to ‘adapt’.  I can foresee myself having problems remembering to carry TP around, that will probably only take a few incidents to cure any memory issues though.

That doesn't even mention our first attempts at teaching and teaching English to children who speak Chinese, in which we are far from fluent.  This should provide plenty of interesting experiences that we look forward to sharing with you all.

As of today we are planning to take off on Monday, September 3rd from Charlotte and plan to be out of the country until the end of July 2013.  So if anyone had plans to visit Beijing during the coming year let us know!

(all the best)

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! We will miss you but are so excited for you, Ryan and Julie! What adventures ahead of you, can't wait to follow your stories! Our thoughts and prayers go with you. Happy Trails Michael & Kenya
