Friday, August 31, 2012

Holding down the fort in DC

We made it to DC this morning at 7 AM.  A big thanks to mom and dad Schwarzmann for getting up before 3 AM to get us to the airport!  We were able to eat dinner (working on the 12 hour difference) but they only had breakfast food available, weird. 

Right now we have found a quiet spot in the Dulles airport and Julie was no longer able to fight off the urge to lay down on these wonderful airport chairs and put her Cheerios pillow to good use, however, I may regret not taking the opportunity to lay down as once we get on the plane that won't be an option anymore.  Only three hours to go.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you two as you fly off to China! I'm sure you are in for the adventure of a life time. Love you both, Aunt Sandy and Uncle Larry
