We managed to get a few pictures on the train from Xi'an back to Beijing. If anyone can tell me what this is that would be terrific. To me it looked like a siamese oil derrick, but clearly I'm no expert.
Moving pictures around on this blog is a pain so we aren't going in strictly chronological order. Here is the picture with the fake warriors. There was first a discussion on whether we should get the picture taken then we inadvertently scouted out all the 'tourist' picture spots before circling back to Pit 2 (the first pit we toured) to get our keepsake.
Beijing greeted with a stiff breeze as we got off. If you zoom in on this shoot you see Julie and Mom Stiens barely opening their eyes. If you had been there you would have heard complaining of the cold. Clearly I couldn't empathize.
Hang on Julie we'll get you out of here in a second!
Mom kept getting left behind as she wanted to take pictures of Tian'anmen square (to the left) while the rest of us were make our way to the National Museum of China as we only had an hour till it was time to head out.
Here the four of us posed in front of the National Musuem of China as a nice Chinese gentleman took our picture. Funny how even though we often can't speak the same language I've never needed to explain how to use a camera.
The Museum had numerous great artificats.
I found this one the funniest so here you go:
It's been great. Fly safe!
Well there are a lot more pictures from our Sino-trip together so if you want to see them try this link:
Picture album
Have a great day,
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